Monster of my Memories.

My grief rattles around, inside the depths of my soul, clanging against my bones, aches into my viscera. It permeates into everything I do and am. But you do not see it, you see a smile or a laugh, an outward expression of who I used to be. Beneath the pleasantries, my grief rolls around... Continue Reading →

What colour is your grief?

got to thinking about what colour my grief is and if I could label it. Has this ever been something you have thought of? I think it must be much like rating your pain on a numerical scale, helpful to some but mostly just an arbitrary number that doesn't quite ring true to anyone else but you.

A homage to the rain…

I love the rain. I love the way it smells, also known as petrichor. I love that it feels like the world is cleansing itself to start afresh. I love that when it rains things get quieter. I relish silence. For someone who spends a proportional time talking and engaging with other humans I deeply love silence.

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