Why do you still do this?

The other day I was speaking to a class of pre-med students and one of them clearly did not have the same love for palliative or end of life care as I did. They pretty overtly made a face when I said I had chosen to go into palliative and end of life care and that is the only care area I really wanted to work in. It was really interesting I have to admit. I do not normally see such a visceral response to what I do.

When birthdays are no longer something to celebrate…

Hello lovely mortals! It has been a tick. So much has changed but also in the same sense much has remained the same. I have been thinking of writing quite a bit lately but carving out any time for myself lately seems like an overwhelmingly large task. I have started back to school and between... Continue Reading →

Reliving the International Death Symposium: Day #1

Last month, I had the opportunity to attend the inaugural International Death Symposium in Toronto hosted by the Institute of Traditional Medicine (ITM). I must preface this post with, IT WAS AMAZING! I also need to acknowledge my inherent bias of being around what I affectionally call "my people" this is totally my tribe of... Continue Reading →

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